日本財団 図書館


flying in proximity or approaching these aircraft;
(4) Tensional radar-control service - Control services other than those specified in the following subparagraph, conducted by using radar, for aircraft engaging in a flight under instrument flight rules and aircraft ascending after take-off during the descent for landing in a positive control airspace, and for aircraft engaging in a flight under instrument flight rules flying in proximity or approaching these aircraft;
(5) Ground controlled approach service - Control services to offer landing guidance for aircraft engaged in a flight under instrument flight rules.


2. With regard to units (excluding Area Control Centers) for conducting the control services specified in each subparagraph of the paragraph, the nearness of aerodrornes and positive control airspace where control service is provided, and other ratters concurring control service, shall be notified.


Article 200. Any aircraft (except aircraft specified under paragraph 6 below engaged in navigation specified in subparagraphs 1 to 3 of Article 96 paragraph 3 of the law shall, except when communicating with the unit conducting approach control service or terminal radar-control service under the provisions of paragraphs 2 or 3 below, communicate with the unit conducting control service for said control zone.


2. Any aircraft in ascent under Article 96 paragraph 3 subparagraph 1 of the law, in descent under the same paragraph subparagraph 2, or engaged in navigation under the same paragraph subparagraph 3 under instrument flight rules, or any aircraft engaged in a flight under the same graph subparagraph 4, shall except when communicating with the unit conducting terminal radar-control service under the provisions of the following paragraph, communicate with the unit conducting approach control service for said control zone or approach control area.


3. Any aircraft which, in a control zone or an approach control area wherein terminal radar-control service is conducted, is in ascent under Article 96 paragraph 3 subparagraph 1 of the Law, in descent underrate same paragraph subparagraph 2, or in flight under the saran paragraph subparagraph 3 under instrument flight rules, or in flight under the same paragraph subparagraph 4, shall communicate with the unit conducting said terminal radar-control service.


4. Any aircraft engaged in a flight under instrument flight rules, within a control zone or an approach control area wherein ground controlled approach service is conducted, shall, upon intent for a descent under Article 96 paragraph 3 subparagraph 2 of the Law or under the same paragraph 4 with the guidance of radar, notwithstanding the provisions of the perching three paragraphs, communicate with the unit conducting approach control service for said control zone or approach control area (the unit conducting aerodrornes control service, in case said approach control service is conducted by the unit conducting area control service), or the unit conducting





